Have you thought about starting an exercise program but haven’t done it yet? Here are 7 REALLY GOOD reasons to get started today! Reason #1: To Melt Fat Away The most coveted side effect of exercise is, of course, fat burn. The combination of a challenging exercise routine and a balanced meal plan is the best-known way to lose fat. Here’s what losing fat feels like:
Reason #2: To Alleviate Pain Regular exercise is a great way to alleviate chronic muscle and joint pain. Persistent back pain can be lessened by strengthening your core, and you’ll protect yourself against injury. It amazes people when the chronic pain that they’ve lived with for years begins to fade after starting a regular exercise program. Reason #3: To Increase Lean Tissue More muscle is good for many reasons. You see, muscle burns five times more calories each day than fatty tissue. When you exercise your body composition will change to contain more lean tissue, thus resulting in extra calories burned while you sleep. What could be better than that? Reason #4: To Stay Young Tim D. Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College in London, led a study on the effects of exercise on aging. The results were astounding. They found that exercise appears to slow the shriveling of the protective tips on bundles of genes inside cells (called telomeres), which means a slowing of the aging process. Here’s the study in a nutshell:
Reason #5: To Prevent or Control Type 2 Diabetes Regular exercise helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. This is something that people with type 2 diabetes, or at risk for type 2 diabetes, gain substantial benefits from. Exercise improves the body’s use of insulin, and the related weight loss improves insulin sensitivity. Of course patients with type 2 diabetes need to follow guidelines from their doctor before starting an exercise program. Reason #6: To Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels Exercise has shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels for these two reasons:
Reason #7: To Feel Great The first thing that clients tell me after starting an exercise program is how much better they feel. Most didn’t even realize how bad they felt. It is easy to get used to feeling sluggish, achy and unmotivated. Exercise boosts your energy levels and makes you feel amazing. The quickest, easiest way to guarantee that you’ll meet your fitness and weight loss goals is to work one-on-one with a qualified fitness professional. You’ll be held accountable with your workouts and you’ll be instructed properly and shown techniques and strategies that will expedite your results. Call or email today to get started on a program that will take the guesswork out of fitness and to set your results on fire. What are you waiting for? Lace up your shoes and get moving!
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If you’re like most people then reading this subject line was a little uncomfortable and you may have even experienced a bit of anxiety.
Make a decision? Do I have to? We are forced to make decisions every day, but that doesn’t make it any easier. When you stop to think about it, your life is the sum total of all the decisions that you’ve ever made up to this point. Your health, your mindset, your finances are all an outcome of the decisions you've made. Some decisions are so small that they seem insignificant and other decisions weigh on you for days because you know that the outcome will change the course of your life. You’ll wade through a myriad of trivial decisions today – ranging from the flavor of your coffee, to the gas you put into your car, to the food you put into your body. It’s easy to be fooled into believing that these have no real impact on the big picture - - but they do. You’ll shift over to automatic while making your habitual decisions today – these ones no longer require a second thought since your preferences are defaulted. The time you wake up each morning, the way you take your eggs, the frequency in which you exercise. Your habitual decisions play a huge part in determining major factors in your life, and these ones aren’t always easy to modify once the habit is in place. We're always making decisions... Big ones like "should you marry him/her", "should you have another child", "Should you stick it out another year at that job"? Life changing decisions are forks in the road that demand your full attention and analysis. There’s a famous quote from General Norman Schwartzkopf: “A bad decision is better than no decision” which makes sense when you realize that indecision is a decision. It’s best to simply bite the bullet, choose a side, and stick with it (unless you realize you made the wrong decision lol). You make a life changing decision when you chose to get fit. |
AuthorBrandon Dunston Archives
April 2019
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